Posts Tagged ‘spirituality’

Cognitive Dynamics Board Members Appear on Podcasts and Interviews

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Members of the Cognitive Dynamics Board of Directors have appeared as featured guests on podcasts and online interviews related to Alzheimer’s, dementia, aging, care giving, expressive arts, person-centered care, eldercare, advocacy, research, spirituality in dementia care, and other topics.

Executive Arts Director Angel C. Duncan, MA, MFT-ATR has appeared on podcasts that may be accessed at this link:


Board Members Lynda Everman and Don Wendorf, PsyD have appeared on podcasts that may be accessed at these links:

Living Fully and Meaningfully

Person-centered Care form UC Irvine

Bringing Spirituality into a Dementia Friendly World

The Power of the Expressive Arts for Persons Living With Dementia

From Advocating for Your Loved One to Advocating for All

Dementia Advocacy and the Stole Ministry : Lynda Everman