Advisory board member publishes on Alzheimer’s art
Changes in painting styles of two artists with Alzheimer’s disease
Cognitive Dynamics Advisory Board member Anjan Chatterjee, MD, FAAN has recently published an article in Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts demonstrating that quantitative methods can be applied to the neuropsychology of art production to determine whether there are systematic changes in the art produced by individuals with Alzheimer’s disease.
In assessing the art of two persons with Alzheimer’s disease (one of whom was Lester E. Potts, Jr.), it was shown that both AD patients produced paintings with more abstraction and use of symbolism and with less depictive accuracy and realism. When these observations were combined with those made recently in three artists with focal brain damage, it was found that conceptual more than formal perceptual attributes are susceptible to change after neurological illness.
Dr. Chatterjee is a Professor of Neurology, a member of the Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, and the Center for Neuroscience and Society at the University of Pennsylvania.
To access the article abstract, visit the link above. For more information about Dr. Chatterjee, visit:
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